Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spiritual Contemplation and Subtle Spirit


Spiritual Contemplation & Subtle Spirit

Jesus Going & Spirit Coming

Dec 2, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life


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In the Gospels is recorded, as words of the historical Jesus, "Necessary it is that I go away, for if I do not go away, the holy Spirit cannot come to you." The holy Spirit, or Holy Spirit, speaks of that subtle, formless aspect of Grace immanent, intimate, that arises through the humiliation of letting go of what keeps "Jesus" with us. "Jesus" represents, in the Christian Gospels, the form of the Formless. How interesting, then, Jesus saying "cannot come" that formless, subtle expression of Presence if we cling to the form. And all faiths and spiritualities offer us form to hang on to. Yet, how can we let go of form if we simply reject it? In this is no denial, for transcendence is not rejection but embracing at a more mature, whole aspect of Being. While there may be a time of complete, even confusing inability to relate with the form of Grace, the way leads back to the union of form and the Formless, but now with form seen through and from the Formless, when before we sought the Formless in attachment or devotion to form. Now, I can relate to the form of Jesus as an icon onto the Formless. Now, I can express a devotion to the form of Jesus, but not as mere form, rather as icon. I look back onto Jesus, the form, from formless Spirit, even formless Love. Then, is the coming of the holy Spirit, an intimacy, a nearness of Beauty that I never could arrive at in my most ardent devotions to the form of Jesus, or any form. Here, is the sacred wedding of form and the Formless, by formless Spirit, and a union that cannot occur from attachment or devotion to form. In other words, in Christian terms, Jesus cannot in himself unite us to the formless Father. Only the Spirit manifesting can effect the union. Or, in the words of St. Paul, from the Christian Scriptures, "So we from now on know no one according to the flesh; yes, though we did know Christ after the flesh, still, now we know him as such no more." Pure Faith, then, arising in spiritual Contemplation, will always demand of us a letting go of all attachment to religious form as the welcoming of an intimacy and fullness never arrived at from form, whether one call that form Buddha, Jesus, or anything or anyone else. So, ironically, for me to love Jesus means to allow that loving to usher in a transcendence of Jesus, or rather I am turning Jesus into an icon, an idol, keeping me from the formless graces of Love that Jesus intended me to welcome and surrender to, by the effective action of the holy Spirit.

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Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Lotus of the Heart is a work of Brian K. Wilcox.

*Move cursor over photos for photographer and photo name.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spiritual Contemplation and Subtle Spirit

©Brian Wilcox 2024